CRAZYFLY Bindings Binary II Binding

$139.100 CLP

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CRAZYFLY Bindings Binary II Binding  - Image 1
CRAZYFLY Bindings Binary II Binding  - Image 2
CRAZYFLY Bindings Binary II Binding  - Image 3
CRAZYFLY Bindings Binary II Binding  - Image 4
CRAZYFLY Bindings Binary II Binding  - Image 5

CRAZYFLY Bindings Binary II Binding

$139.100 CLP

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Elegir el TE LLEVAS TABLA ??


Straps van al costo con la tabla q elijas. 🤙🏼🤙🏼(pagando con transferencia). Manufacturado en EUROPA !

Los Pads tienen una forma ergonómica 3D y EVA de doble densidad para la mejor comodidad y ajuste posibles. 

La forma 3D incluye soporte para el arco, agarre para los dedos y soporte para el talón. Los pads se puede mover en seis direcciones: arriba y abajo, izquierda y derecha, y también en ángulo en sentido horario y antihorario.

Ajustable con una mano

Materiales de primera

Agarre de diamante

Suspensión del talón

Marco de fusión

Straps CF solo se venden exclusivamente con Tablas CRAZYFLY .

Luxurious comfort.

  •   One hand adjustability
  •   Premium materials
  •   Diamond grip
  •   Heel suspension
  •   Fusion frame

Package content:

  • Pair of Binary footpads
  • Pair of Binary footstraps
  • Screw set with wahsers
  • Travel bag
  • User manual

The Binary footstrap offers a wide range of adjustability and also allows for comfortable use of neoprene boots, as the velcro is extra long. The Binary footstrap can be moved up or down and forward or backwards. The Hexa footpad can be moved in six directions. It can be moved up and down, left and right, and also angled clockwise and counter clockwise.

Binary Stix


The Binary Stix can be adjusted forward or backwards for the most comfortable footstrap position and offer quick adjustments of the footstrap, even on the go.

Diamond Grip


The diamond grip concept is based on a combination of the main diamond shaped channels for water outflow and the micropores which direct water into the main channels. This technology ensures perfect water outflow from the pad to provide maximum grip.

Fusion Frame


The Fusion Frame is an extremely strong injection molded plastic frame which surrounds the Hexa footpad and allows direct contact of the footpad with the board. This technology reduces weight and provides the best possible connection between the rider and the board.

Hexa FootpadCOMFORTABLE IN EVERY DETAILExtremely durable and comfortable pads, produced from the highest quality dual density EVA material. Layers of EVA create shock absorbing cushion under heel. The Hexa Footpad has ergonomic 3D shape for ultimate fit and comfort.

Premium Materials


For unmatched comfort and durability of CrazyFly bindings, we have selected only the finest materials available. From the top, we picked premium leather on the footstraps cushioned with dual density EVA and lined with thick, soft and durable neoprene. The footpads are made with layers of dual density EVA, surrounded with extremely strong injection molded Fusion Frame. All plastic parts on the Hexa Bindings are made from DuPont® Performance Polymers with superior toughness, stiffness and high impact resistance.


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